Submitted by mAdBoY on Mon, 12/12/2005 - 19:38.
Arises Diabolos! Here is the latest information regarding the newest summon that will be added to the Summoner's arsenal!
New Summoning Magic and Quests
The thrilling climax to Chains of Promathia was finally reached in the July version update. Now delve deeper into the stories of prominent Chains of Promathia characters as you enjoy the new quests planned for release in December.
-New Summoning Magic
The quest to obtain an avatar long awaited by summoners will soon be available. The terrestrial avatar Diabolos made his first appearance in "Darkness Named," and now those able to defeat him at the height of his strength will learn to harness the power of dreams.
The Blood Pact abilities of Diabolos are quite unique when compared to those of other avatars. We have provided a list of Diabolos's abilities with brief explanations; however, we would like to allow summoners the chance to discover the full scope of these powers on their own.
-Diabolos's Blood Pact Abilities
Camisado: Deals physical damage.
Somnolence: Weighs target down.
Nightmare: Deals darkness elemental damage that puts all enemies within the area of effect to sleep and gradually reduces their HP.
Ultimate Terror: Decreases attributes of enemies within area of effect.
Noctoshield: Gives party members within area of effect the effect of "Phalanx."
Dream Shroud: Enhances magic attack and magic defense of party members within area of effect.
Nether Blast: Delivers a ranged attack that deals darkness elemental damage.
Ruinous Omen (Astral Flow): Required MP: Caster's level x2. Uses all MP and reduces the HP of enemies within area of effect by a random percentage.
-New Quest
A new quest that brings players up against the might of the Wyrmking Bahamut will be introduced. The ruler of all dragonkind has previously only appeared in Chains of Promathia mission event scenes, but in the upcoming version update, adventurers will come face to face with Bahamut on the field of battle.
*These quests can only be undertaken after progressing past a certain point in the Chains of Promathia story. Also, the key items and normal items required for the quests "Mama Mia" and "The Moonlit Path" will not be affected by the introduction of the avatar Diabolos.
In addition to those mentioned above, several more quests are scheduled for release in the upcoming version update, so be sure to check the Topics section regularly for the latest details!
FINAL FANTASY XI Development Team (12/12/2005)
Can someone say Clan quest time? please?
lol he looks super cool and looks to have neat new abilities
prolly will not get him untill next dec though :( cause I still do not have fenrir yet.
Anyone wants to help shoot me a yell
CoP 3-5
From what I've heard, you have to get through CoP 3-5 before you can get it. This just so happens to be the same one that gives you AH and mail access in Tavnazian Safehold, so it seems logical to be the same one.
Vis Maior's Journeys
I had heard rumblings that Diablos would soon be available, but I didn't know for certain.
This sounds very cool indeed.
Vis Maior's Journeys
Vana'diel has a Hades?
Vana'diel has a Hades?
Of course...
...It's called "Garliage Citadel" :-)
Vis Maior's Journeys