Submitted by sam on Wed, 12/07/2005 - 00:19.
Well, after our runs filming stuff lately, I've decided to try a test video to see how difficult the new video tools I am using are to use. Read on for the first test video...
So, here's the first ClanAM-FF video:
Standard disclaimer, the song used in this video might not be suitable for children, view at your own discretion and all that jazz.
These movies are in MPEG4 DivX format, so you'll need a player that can play them (try The DivX Player or VLC.) If all you get is audio when you play them, then you are missing the DivX codec.
This is just a test video, this is NOT the final one. I am just trying out the tools. But I thought I'd share the test video in case anyone cared :-)
i cant seem to find
The test
This one is just a test. This isn't the final video.
Also, I only have one tiny bit of footage of you running around in Konschat Highlands in your RSE gear. You need to get on again so I can film more :-P
Vis Maior's Journeys
heh im just kiddin buddy, im coming home like wed night or thursday next week so chances are that ill be lvling like crazy once again lol