Submitted by sam on Wed, 10/11/2006 - 17:05.
Leujaoam Sanctum/Azouph Staging Point
0% (0 votes)
Mamool Ja Staging Point/Mamool Ja Training Grounds
0% (0 votes)
Lebros Cavern/Halvung
0% (0 votes)
Periqia/Dvucca Isle Stage Point
13% (2 votes)
Ilrusi/Ilrusi Atoll
6% (1 vote)
All of them, I must be some sort of idiot
13% (2 votes)
None of them, I have them all
69% (11 votes)
Total votes: 16
i need...
I still need Periqia and Ilrusi... 3/5 not bad right?!
There is a very easy shortcut to this one that doesn't involve having to sneak past Imps or any other true sight mobs. In fact, it's so easy that most if it is walking through areas with no mobs at all.
See Cyc's Assault guide on this site, he has a link to the instructions.

Fair amount of work
Some of the staging points were easy, easy, easy; but to get all of them was a bit of work. Which work I considered well worth expending because ASSAULT (the ones I have done) are a LOT of fun to do. One of the better aspects of FFXI.
This logic, of course, only applies if you think your games should be fun to play. Assault in FFXI is an enjoyable addition.
Not as hard anymore
Thanks to new areas and shortcuts, they aren't as hard as they once were.
In fact, with Chocobos and said shortcuts, the one that used to be the most difficult is now the easiest.
Vis Maior's Journeys